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2024 Aug 1
As the local-first ecosystem matures, the contexts that local-first applications fill has also expanded. Local-first emphasizes collaboration, but the constraints on an application are different if you build an application for you and a handful of friends versus delivering a team-oriented product. Your data not being viewable or editable by everyone in the world is a basic requirement of applications ranging from planning a surprise party, corporate meeting notes, book drafts, and legal contracts.
Today’s most common access control patterns assume a central server. While cloud auth tools are forever developing, generally speaking existing tools for cloud auth are very mature. Doing access control without a cloud auth server requires rethinking the underlying mechanics of how auth works. Keyhive is an attempt to do secure and efficient local-first auth while retaining the user experience found in familiar applications like Google Docs, Dropbox, GitHub, and Discord. We believe that these are table stakes for the next generation of local-first applications.
A GitHub repository permissions page
We’ve seen user-agency principals successfully applied to other contexts. Signal popularized end-to-end encrypted chat while retaining much of the convenience of less-secure messaging applications. We find ourselves asking “what would Signal for documents look like?”
Unlike a cloud auth system which can depend on the network to keep data hidden behind a web API, local-first runs a complete copy of the application at each replica. What are the correct bounds on access control when everyone has direct access to all of the content? Ultimately access control is about collaboration. Collaboration and access control can be seen as two sides of the same topic: who do you want to collaborate with, in which ways, and for how long?
CRDTs try to merge data in the least surprising way possible. For example, concurrent text will merge to produce the same data on all replicas, but the resulting paragraphs may not make sense next to each other. Users then fix these semantic errors manually. We believe that this is a major improvement over the user experience of something like Git, which often gets stuck and demands user intervention.
The equivalent situation exists for concurrent access control, but the stakes are higher. Preventing your friend from learning that you’re planning a surprise party, or opposing legal councel from altering your case prep are both important, and it should be clear how they will behave despite any underlying concurrency. The behavior of an access control system should be as clear to the end user as possible. Since there is no single source of truth about who can do what at any given time, the rules themselves need to be straightforward.
Ranges of authorization (and revocation) over time. Here 🙋♀️ is added, removed, and re-added later. Some of 🙋♀️'s updates are not materialized based on where they’re ordered in the document history.
Often local-first applications today depend on “security through obscurity”. For example, by default you can write into any Automerge document that you know the document ID for. This style is sometimes called “Swiss number” or “Rumpelstiltskin” security. It works as long as the document ID is only ever shared with people that you want to collaborate with, your security is all-or-nothing, and you never want to later remove someone from a document. If the document ID leaks (e.g. someone posts it to Bluesky), then the document is world-writable.
In lieu of a widely-adopted1 purely local-first access control system, some teams have tried leveraging existing auth methods by routing updates through a cloud auth server (e.g. OAuth login and auth logic in a server). Others have opted to emphasize decentralized user agency by using a blockchain to store access control policies. Both of these approaches require a network connection in order to check if an update is valid, which is not local-first. Bringing access control features to a local-first context requires rethinking how authority flows between nodes.
What we want is a system that retains the best of the above: the self-certification of Rumpelstiltskin, the power of auth servers, and the user agency of decentralized solutions. Following the definition of local-first, applications should accept updates after arbitrarily long periods of disconnection. Extending that requirement to access control means the ability to revoke access or have finer grained control (e.g. read vs write) requires tracking who has authorization to do what, and at which point in the document’s history.
While we believe that local-first access control is nascent, the Keyhive team is grateful to benefit from work done by other projects. Some of our inspirations include Causal TreeKEM, Cryptree, DCGKA, Local-First Auth, Matrix, Serenity, Tahoe-LAFS, UCAN, and Web Native File System. ↩︎